Bright Eyes Dog Rescue Bio Submission

Bio Information

Please complete the fields below, and hit submit, you will receive a confirmation.
This can be found on Trello or your microchip form (4 digits.)
$100 is 2024 standard fee; $300 standard fee prior to 2024; $400 is high desired breed; $600 for medical case. If you are not sure, check Trello or contact the Director of Adoptions. This amount does not include the spay/neuter deposit.
$150 if they aren't spayed/neutered or n/a if they already are.
As provided by the vet.
i.e. border collies tend to herd things, including small children.
in yrs/months/weeks (please type yrs or months or weeks after the number.)
please type lbs after you enter the number.
Talk about their BEST qualities here.
Are there any behavioural issues or fears that you're working on with them? (Be honest but kind.)
i.e. Does this dog require medication to stay calm, or a lot of exercise to be good in the crate etc.
This is the bio that will be shown on the website. Please write it from the dogs perspective. (i.e. I like to go for walks, my foster mom thinks) All Bios have the words "Love (insert dog name)" automatically at the end when posted on the website, please keep this in mind.

New Process for Submitting Bio Photos With issues encountered with clarity of photos received for the dogs for their preview and adoption posting we are asking fosters to try this new format.  Take your photos using your phone.  Select the best ones from your library on your phone to upload!  4 or 5 good ones is sufficient.  Send from your email on your phone to No screenshots, snapchats, extracts from facebook or Instagram, originals only, please. The rest of the bio information can still be submitted through the bio form on the website. Size matters when attaching your photos. If you are having difficulties it is probably because your photos sizes are too large.